Beige wet dress


This is a double layered mesh gown featuring a wet-draped illusion graphic. The full all-over print creates the fabric placement 3D effect. Color has a light skin-tone touch to it. This style really accentuates shadows and highlights through the body turning it really flattering.

Please describe your skin-tone or send picture reference by email, in order for us to print the closest possible version.

This particular style shows the true inclusive spirit of this project. Worldwide the nude range of shade is just described as bright beige. This goest against this word’s meaning, since nude skin exists all over the world in an infinite variety of peachy, beige and browns. First seen worn by Latto for her Cosmopolitan cover in 2023. This rocked in all sizes and skin toned clients from everywhere in the world, specially New York, Hidden Hills and Miami.

Price includes worldwide shipping.


Halter neckline design with adjustable cord straps for perfect breast-placement. Personalized product developed to your exact measurements in studio. Length is ankle or floor reaching. (Specify at the “customers notes” if you want instead midi/mini) You can include by that box how many inches long you need starting to measure from your exact nipple spot, as well.

Outside is Polyamide mesh, lining is a mixture of cotton and viscose, strap cords are made out of nylon. All fabric production and textile printed-sublimation are developed in Catalunya, Spain. Each cutting and dressmaking is made in studio in Barcelona.

Sublimation coloring doesn’t need ink neither water to be produced. There is no material or chemical residue left from this technique, only energetic cost. Since it is all developed in the same area in Spain, our Carbon footprint due to transport is minimum.

The stretching rate of our mesh is more than 50%. Meaning garments are developed 1inch smaller than your actual measurements in order to achieve a second skin fitting effect, still keeping comfortable and adaptable. No see-through at all. Rubber elasticity kind, it can stretch a lot and be back to its original condition.

Recommended cold machine wash, short program, garment turn inside-out, and possibly put into a pillow cover in order to not get the straps stuck in any holes by the mechanism.

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